Well, a week has gone in a flash and now I'm currently typing on my phone in the Airport for this blog about my experience.
What an experience it was! First time in Germany, I had high expectations and travelling with Friends and the University was interesting. As professionals who already worked/works in the field, they shed light on what was to come (mostly to wrap up for the cold weather!).

First stop, Ethical
Now, if you’re into sustainability and being Eco-Friendly this is for you! Set in a warehouse this was a very interesting environment and I really liked the layout of each business. Yet unfortunately this event wasn’t for me so we moved on.

Next, Premium
From The next few events (minus panorama) we got the shuttle bus to each event. Visually this event was amazing, with high-street companies about, to me this was quite hipster with its food tucks and interesting areas. Finished with our finds we filled up with pizza and burgers from the nearest restaurant (we burnt the calories for the day so a little burger doesn't hurt right! ). Fair to say We were tired! I basically passed out once my face hit the pillow!

Day 2, Seek and bright.
Intro street? Urban and young? I found this really was the place for those who suit this style. I did really enjoyed this event, others I was with even get tattoos in bright for 50€ because why not! Maybe next year when I have enough euros I’ll consider the ink!

Final event Panorama.
Ah, snow, snow and more snow. Getting off the train, it had just started to snow. So lucky us the arena was only around the corner but once in it was amazing. With such interesting stand and even magazines making our way around we got to mingle with very friendly people.
With lots of free goodies, I even scored a free pair of men’s’ jeans from Sons of Berlin. What can I say? I sure am a sucker for free stuff!

Last day in Berlin and what do you do?
Go to the Zoo! Yeah you would think going to Berlin for the 1st time you would do the tourist stuff.
But you can't beat these little guys!

And now we're up to here in the airport.
Travelling with friends is amazing. Seeing as we're all in the Fashion industry travelling to Berlin for fashion week was an eye opener, talking to professionals in their selected field of Fashion opened my mind with endless possibilities.
I hope to go back again in the near future but this time maybe in the summer!