So, week 3 and I've done NOTHING!!
I wish! I've been busy getting stabbed in the butt by my own bike seat, Talking to local expats about housing and finding part time work in Amsterdam!
So, here is the boring educational part no one is likely to read! XD

Style Inspiration
Working with the inspiration images that I gathered; I was asked to compose a style guide. One I’ve made already is just a work in progress. But the idea is to inspire consumers how to style their products from Cosima and recommend top products from local organic brands. To suit the brand’s style, the style guide is heavily influenced by the slow living lifestyle (a lifestyle I wish I could have if only I didn’t stress too much!) and minimalist fashion.
This was a much more different route for me as I am not used to being the "Style Inspiration" so to be asked to do this with the brand's customer's in mind was a little challenging! I had to look into influencers used before by the brand or new ones suited for the brand to then come up with other ethical brands to pair with a Studio Cosima bag to create a Conscious outfit. I think this is quite cleaver as it gets the customer excited and more likely to want to buy a product from the brand! So to work this into my final year or even a Uni lead event would be interesting to see!
Brand Manual and Brand Guide
After working with the brand for 3 weeks, I was asked to make a brand manual and brand guide. This would help other future interns but also other professionals who would work with the brand to better understand the brand’s values, style, story to get the right outcome. For example, if it was a photographer they would know what style to work with for the brand.
To start off working on these, I gathered relevant images and worked on the Brand Book/Guide.
What is a brand book you ask?
A Brand book offers insight to your brand. It covers the basic questions people have about a company such as what are their views? What's their mission? Who are their target customers?
This is used for those who are new to the company (employees or Interns) also for those to see what the brand is really about and to get an idea of their views.
I was given these categories to work towards whilst making the brand book:
-Key words,
-Tag line,
-Target customer,
With stock in the Gathershop, I took a little break to deliver some more of our stock (detouring through the museum quarter!) to the shop owner Jessica. A fellow Brit, she gave me some tips for whilst living here! I really wanted to get a job and earn my way here in the Netherlands whilst interning, so she gave me tips on how to get to do this as a British citizen and Expat. it's very reassuring to know I have someone to now ask and refer to! :)