So, week 4 and a month has passed (Already!) My time in Amsterdam has been very tough but very inspirational. Also be careful with bike seats...when the spring comes through that feckin hurts your butt. Just saying.
This week, I met with an influential woman and creative woman called Sarah (

I conducted an interview with her and talked about her upcoming exhibition in Milan, she told me it was about boredom. Sarah is a live in the moment woman who likes to take every day as it comes (very much so the living embodiment of slow living). With her exhibition, she wants people to know it’s okay to be bored and to enjoy it. I tend to find myself alone often (I hate it so much truthfully) but I need to think along the lines of Sarah’s words. It’s okay to be bored. Take advantage of this and live life to how you want to enjoy the minimalist of things as before you know it you’ll be working for someone else doing what they want and not what you want. Take time to find your style and style of work (for creatives of course) this could also mean take time to find the correct field you want to be in. Not every job suits everyone.
Her home was a typical Amsterdam house, overlooking the beautiful canal and small tight stairs which would lead to the top to her apartment (Damn did I get house envy!). It was such a cosy and beautiful home and she even spoke about her upcoming products which the samples lovely! I even got to see some of her oyster work more in person. By just speaking to her and getting to understand her really did shed light on how she works as a professional but always finds the time for yoga, food and friends. (Well at least one of us is popular!)
I would like to be as free and easy going with her work and to find true inspiration in the smallest of things, but you know; I’m a stress head! I always have to feel productive with my day so I should learn to take moments to take things in much like her.
She also says that she likes to write down what she needs to do that day so she doesn’t forget so maybe I should adopt that too with my 70+ year old memory!! This overall experience was really beneficial for me. I have done interviews in the past for a History Club In Secondary School, but this was much more interesting as it got to go more in depth about a brand and the owner which you start to relate to. I think this will be useful for the final year as if I wanted to create a blog or magazine based on the final year designers to be on display in Brick Lane, I would need to be good and confident in relaying the most relevant questions.
After this interview I spent my time copy writing and trying to shorten the interview length to something more enjoyable as a quick and easy read. I did take some pictures but I feel I will need many more and even a better quality camera...Or maybe just get better at photography!