Coming to work on a Monday should be pretty average huh? Until you’re in the Studio and hear air raid sirens?! These go off 1st day of the new month and it’s bloomin’ terrifying when you’re an international not knowing what on earth is going on?! Well just a word of warning, and now you know.
October crept up quickly, and I almost can’t believe just how fast it has come and gone! But work is still work (even if you’re excited for Halloween to find they don’t celebrate it here) so, what have I done?
Social Media Layout
Upon finishing the Brand book, I made some alterations to the brand book after having it reviewed by Larissa. After this, it was time to take a break and make a start on the Instagram Layout. Using Indesign, I gathered all current images from the social media page and combined them onto the document.
I also added some other images which we can consider adding. One app which helps a busy office is the Later app, this helped us to schedule posts with texts and tags already added. It’s great as if you’re extremely busy, you wouldn’t even need to manually post. The only down side is you cannot edit on this software and so lightroom is your new best friend if like me you work solely on your laptop!
This is more interesting as it related to the brand and if your pictures are all miss-match then not many people would be interested unless that is of course the brand's style. It is sort f common sense also to keep at a theme so that it keeps with the brand. This I experienced in second year when we produced our own Instagram for our event called Zugla Illusion Later known as Zugla (Greek for Jungle). This was to get people interested in our event and to come to our catwalk exhibition and after party.

Fashion For Good
This week also brought the arrival of ‘Fashion For Good’. This exhibition in the Centre of Amsterdam is all about fashion sustainability and brands/ companies working towards a better use/lifespan for their garments and in garment production.
After getting the Metro to Rokin, this free event was interactive and was a fun way of learning the little changes you or your brand can do to contribute to sustainability. On a business trip to this exhibition, we where given bands made from hemp seeds which you would tap onto stations with changes such as
‘Look at the label on my clothing to see what it is made from. I can do that’.
If you tapped your band onto the station, you would receive an action plan at the end which would be emailed to you on your efforts and plans on how to help the fashion industry to become more sustainable. It was a stimulating exhibition which also shows fabrics and leathers made from plant skins and natural cotton. There was also a room where you could design a shirt which would be projected onto a mannequin, using new technology to help with the design process in a more economic way.